join IN WITH our


Currently, I am offering online early morning yoga practice Monday to Friday between 07:00-07:30 via Zoom. I open the Zoom room at 06:55 to allow people to connect and settle we start at 07:00 sharp each day, I kindly ask everyone to join 06:55 at the latest.

Practices are aimed at encouraging a gentle awakening of the body and allowing an awareness of the breath to develop. A sense of being grounded and centred is cultivated before moving into more dynamic yoga postures which allow for a range of spinal movement whilst lengthening and strengthening all the muscle groups. This practice will support you to move forward into your day having connected to yourself in a nourishing way on several levels.

Each practice is recorded and made available before 09:00 each day. This enables you to fit the practice around your schedule, at least 5 recordings are accessible 7 days a week.

VIrtual Yoga




over time you will 

develop your own yoga practice

a little bit

about me

My name is Leasha Esslemont and I have practised Yoga for over 22 years with many teachers in various locations around the world and in Aberdeen, Scotland where I have lived all my life.

I qualified as a Hatha Raja Yoga teacher 2015 from the Classical School of Yoga (Yoga Alliance Certified) in Scotland and then set up my own studio working with small groups offering yoga classes and short courses exploring meditation. I continued to teach Yoga alongside providing therapeutic support in my private Counselling Practice.

I have a Person-Centred approach to teaching whereby I gently encourage and empower people to develop a yoga practice that feels right for them. For me, Yoga is a way of Living.


